Church News (Page 29)

Church News (Page 29)

Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday Livestream Worship Service with Communion This Sunday, April 5 at 10:30am, Central is livestreaming our Palm Sunday worship service. Feel free to prepare a ‘palm’ branch at home (there is a colouring sheet posted on our website for budding artists). Prepare your hearts to celebrate Communion with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (please ensure that…

Wednesday Prayer Meeting Online

Dr. Davidson is pausing the Wednesday Prayer Meetings for the summer. They will reconvene in September. Check back here for details regarding the first September gathering, or request that Helena, in the church office, add you to Central’s email mailing list ( Wishing you a wonderful time of refreshment this summer. God’s continued peace to…

Central Building Closed Due to Covid-19

A message to our congregation and community friends: The Central Presbyterian Church building is now closed for the time being due to Covid-19. The churchstaff remain available and are working primarily from home. The telephone voicemail and email are checked regularly by our Church Administrator Helena Bootsma. Please contact 905-522-9098 or All…

Virtual Coffee Hour – 11:30 a.m.

Central Presbyterian Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Virtual Coffee Hour starting after the Sunday Morning Worship Service Central Presbyterian Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 827 0751 4743Passcode: 854562One tap…

COVID – 19

“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Worship will be live-streamed at 10:30 a.m. Sunday mornings. Go to and click on the “LiveStream our Worship Service” circle, or go to To maintain your…