

Search Committee Prayer

Please continue to pray along with the Search Committee during the search process: Wise and Loving God, You know all things good for us, and your Holy Spirit leads us in your way. Guide us to the minister that you have prepared to come and serve your people here at Central. Fill us with vision, with energy, and openness as we seek the person you’ve chosen…

Prayer Ministry

If you have an item that you would like Central’s prayer group to lift before our Heavenly Father, feel free to contact: Pam Carpenter at 905-526-0631 or Please email the office at if you have other inquiries. Click here for the Renewal Fellowship – Prayer Calendar

Wednesday Prayer Meeting Online

Dr. Davidson is pausing the Wednesday Prayer Meetings for the summer. They will reconvene in September. Check back here for details regarding the first September gathering, or request that Helena, in the church office, add you to Central’s email mailing list ( Wishing you a wonderful time of refreshment this summer. God’s continued peace to…