Sunday Worship Services
Central’s Worship Service is in person worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Worship is also live-streamed each Sunday morning. To worship online, go to cpchamilton.ca and click on the “Worship Service” circle, or go to . Sunday’s bulletin can be downloaded from the homepage. Our world today is full of noise, busyness and distractions. We’re bombarded with messages…
Faith Finders
Sundays during Central’s Worship Service! Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. has a staffed nursery and children’s Faith Finders program (JK – Gr. 8) During Sunday worship, following the Time with the Children, a program for children SK – Grade 8 will be available in the downstairs HUB area. Parents can meet the children there following worship. Staffed Nursery is…