SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME ~ Music @ Central May 12, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

Sara, Sharon, and friends
CPC music moms, Sara Traficante and Sharon Lee lead this heartfelt program of music for flute, violin, and strings, including Dvorak’s sublime Songs My Mother Taught Me.
Sunday Matinee Chamber Music
This is the final concert
for the Music @ Central’s premiere season
of Sunday Matinee Chamber Music Concerts.
Sunday, May 12 at 3:00 p.m.
Mother’s Day Concert
Music for those who love us and raise us.
A Mother’s Day Concert:
Join the CPC’s resident quartet,
Kirk Starkey on cello
Sharon Lee and Marcus Scholtes on violins,
Sara Traficante on flute,
Refreshments to follow
Free Admission ~ Donations Welcome
Central Presbyterian Church, 165 Charlton Ave. W. Hamilton