Thursday Barbeques at Central

Thursday Barbeques at Central

Thursday Barbeques at Central
Hamilton Out of the Cold is able to extend our dinner program for May, June and July this year.  Central will be hosting outdoor barbeques with HOOTC to meet the needs of our guests and the neighbourhood with a meal of sausage on a bun, hot and cold drinks as well as snack bags of chips or cheezies.  The guests of Out of the Cold have been asking if Central would bring back the barbeques which were halted when Covid struck.  The need for food support is greater than ever as food prices and the cost of living have risen 6% over last year, while government allowances and minimum wage remain the same.  People are finding it difficult to manage their money to cover food costs over a month.  The barbeque will be held each Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.  We welcome neighbours as well as our Out of the Cold guests.  We have had a good response from volunteers but always have room for more people to help. Please contact the office if you would like to assist or need more information ( or 905-522-9098).