To contribute financially:
- E transfer: to
Give Online: Click here for online giving through CanadaHelps. You can make a one-time gift or recurring gift.
Basket: Place your cheque/cash in the offering during the Sunday worship service. Please note that cheques placed in the offering basket are recorded on the Sunday when they are received. Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your cheques. To receive regular envelopes please contact our book keeper by email at or by phone at 905-522-9098 x3.
Mail a Cheque: Mail your cheque (please don’t send cash) to the church office. Central Presbyterian Church, 165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton ON L8P 2C8. Cheques are recorded on the postmark date on the envelope.
P.A.R. Pre-authorized remittance from your Bank Account: This is an easy and helpful way to keep giving regardless of your schedule. Just fill out this form and hand it into or mail to the church office, Attn: Bookkeeper, Central Presbyterian Church, 165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton ON L8P 2C8.
- To increase PAR givings please contact the bookkeeper by phone (905) 522-9098 ext. 3 or email
The most unbelieved beatitude in the Bible is: “It is more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35). The giver happier than the getter? Surely some mistake? That goes against all our intuitions and instincts. But giving of the resources we have reminds us that all we have comes from God, expresses the generosity that God shows us in Christ our Lord, and shapes our lives in the posture of self-sacrifice for others.
There are many exciting initiatives worthy of your consideration at Central including Hamilton Out of the Cold, and young mom’s support at the Eva Rothwell Resource Centre. To give your time in service and ministry, please contact our Clerk of Session, Mark Stupple, through the church office through email or phone by 905-522-9098 x0. He will forward your name to our committee chairs who oversee the work of the various ministries in the church.
Stock or Mutual Funds: If you sell a stock or bond privately, you are taxed on 50% of the capital gains. If you gift that security directly to the church, however, all capital gains taxes are eliminated and you receive a tax receipt for the full market value of the security on the day it is received by the church . The online form is here. Please contact the office for more information.
Planned Giving: Tax laws in Canada are changing to encourage Canadians to give generously to charities from their assets, not just their current income. Did you know that up to 100% of net income can be claimed as a charitable gift during the year of death?
The tax advantages of giving while you are still living are even greater. Up to 75% of your annual net income can be claimed as a charitable gift in any one year while you are still living. Furthermore, any unused credits can be carried forward for an additional five years. More and more Canadians are choosing to make sizeable donations to the charities of their choice while they are still living in order to take full advantage of the tax-benefits and because they want to see the fruit of their generosity while they are still alive.
In 2006, the federal government completely eliminated the capital gains tax on gifts of publicly traded securities (i.e. stocks, bonds and mutual funds) given directly to charity. (If you sell a stock privately, you are taxed on 50% of the capital gains.)
It is important to emphasize that such gift planning strategies are not a form of tax evasion; rather, they are utilizing the tax laws precisely as they were intended to be used.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to discuss a planned gift, please call David Dutchak at 905.528.5272.