Community Outreach
Central church is involved in many outreach and mission programs in the Hamilton area and with more global organizations. Below are some details and links of programs in which we are currently involved.
Mission Committee ~ White Gift Sunday
This year, for our White Gift Sunday, Central is working with Giving Hearts of Hamilton. This is one of the organizations that helps the un-housed in our city. The organization was started by two concerned citizens, Sandy & Rhonda, in 2016 as “Sandy Claus Stockings.” The goal was to gather various items throughout the year and hand out 200 gift bags to the Unhoused during the Christmas season. Now, the group holds a once a month kindness day in the parking lot by Whitehern/City Hall. Throughout each month items are dropped off to different encampments.
Facebook Group link:
Here is a list of items that are needed:
hats, mitts, scarves, hot paws, blankets, coats, boots, tarps, sleeping bags, oversized ziplock bags for carrying their items to keep them dry. Hand creams, chapstick, Gift Cards to Tim Horton’s or anywhere they could get a hot drink/soup etc., Snacks that are easy to carry around -granola bars, or nutrigrain bars.

Some of the Organizations that the Central Community supports:
Meals for the Community:

Hamilton Out of the Cold Program
Central Presbyterian Church hosts the Hamilton Out of the Cold (HOOTC) Program each Thursday evening from November until March, and provides a hot, nutritious dinner for many of Hamilton’s homeless and near homeless.
For more information about HOOTC, go to

Christmas Activities:
White Gift Sunday is when we have the opportunity to provide gifts of toys and other items for youngsters and teens less fortunate.
National and International Outreach
Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D)
Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) is the agency of the Presbyterian Church in Canada responsible for undertaking development activities, disaster relief, and education of congregations to these world-wide needs. For more information, go to PWS&D website.
Presbyterians Sharing
Presbyterians Sharing is the name of the fund that supports the ministries and mission of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. But it’s more than just a fund. It makes possible our existence as a denomination; it connects us to one another; and enables us to be faithful to God’s mission in Canada and around the world.
For more information, go to the Presbyterians Sharing Website.