I was raised in Binbrook Ont. I was an active member of Knox Binbrook and the Presbytery of Hamilton and Synod PYPS as well as attending church camp at both Goforth and Kintail. In 1972, feeling called to ministry within the church, the Presbytery of Hamilton, certified me to Ewart College. In 1975, I was Designated a Deaconess of the PCC by that Presbytery and worked for 2 years for the then Board of World Mission in Calgary Alberta. While there I was called to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament and in the fall of 1977 began my studies at Knox College. On May 23, 1980, I was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament by the Presbytery of Hamilton. I had the honour of being the first woman ordained by that Presbytery.
I was appointed/called to the pastoral charge of Wyoming, Camlachie and Bear Creek in the Presbytery of Sarnia in June of 1980. In June of 1988, I was called and inducted into Park Lawn Church in the Presbytery of West Toronto. I was the Clerk of West Toronto from April 1990 September 1996.We later amalgamated Park Lawn with Logan Geggie and Mimico Churches.
I was called to St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church Oshawa in November of 1998. In June of 2018 I retired and moved back to Binbrook . I live with 5 members of my family and a friend in what is called co-housing. We merged together our resources and created a senior friendly house on a 127 acre farm in Binbrook.
I have just taken on the task of Clerk of the Presbytery of Hamilton effective July 1.
I have been owned over the 40 plus years of my ministry by 5 faithful dogs(1 Cocker Spaniel and 3 Labradours); the present dog is Buddy a 1 ½ year old Rat Terrier.