Sermon Archive (Page 3) Worship Services are available to view on our YouTube channel. Please click here to access past services and sermons. Through! May 10, 2020 Reverend Dr. Stephen Farris Psalms The Bread God Gives May 3, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson John Lessons from the Storm April 26, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson John The Risen Jesus Appears to the Disciples April 19, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson John Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson John Jesus the King April 5, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John Jesus Feeds the 5000 March 29, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John You are Worth More! March 22, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson Matthew Like Father Like Son March 15, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John Jesus – Healer and Son of God March 8, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John
Jesus the King April 5, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John
Jesus Feeds the 5000 March 29, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John
Like Father Like Son March 15, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John
Jesus – Healer and Son of God March 8, 2020 Reverend Dr. Gregory Davidson The Gospel of John: a theological look at Jesus John