Join us at 10:30am every Sunday
There are three entrances to the Sanctuary, and all of them are open on Sunday morning.
As you enter the front doors you will be personally greeted.
Statement of Welcome and Inclusion
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What should I wear to worship?
A: Come as you are to worship the Lord! Wear whatever makes you comfortable. In keeping with Central’s open spirit, you will find people in everything from dresses, suits and ties, to jeans, shorts in the summer, and t-shirts. “Mortals look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)
Q: What is the worship service like?
A: The style of the service is traditional, open and relaxed. In the Reformed way, the service includes congregational hymns, an Affirmation of Faith, up to 4 Scripture readings with one led by a teen or child, teaching for children, and a sermon of 20-25 minutes. A choir of 35 voices supports singing and offers special anthems of praise. A children’s choir leads 4 times a year.
Q: Where do my children go during the worship service?
A: There is teaching for children during the first part of the service. Faith Finders is held for children ages four through grade 10 for the remainder of the service. Care for younger children (ages 0-3) is provided in our staffed Nursery area.